How to handle laboratory bio hazard spillage ?

Answer ...

1 After a spillage,  you should need to immediately notify others working in your laboratory regarding the incident.

2 Then you should wear laboratory PPE. Such as gloves, Goggles , masks etc …

Then you can mark the area with chalk  or red color tape.

3 After that should apply the disinfectant & covering the whole hazardous area .

4 If there are any sharps , place them in a sharp container using toungs or forceps . ( For lager size shatteded glasses it’s better to use dust pan & broom )

5 Then cover the spill area with absorbent material & keep for several minutes.

6  After that remove the absorbent materials & discard them in to bio hazard waste container .

7 Then again apply disinfectant to contaminated area & wait for appropriate contact time

8 Later remove the disinfectant with paper towels & allow surface area to dry.

9 Remove the gloves & other used consumable and dispose them in to biohazard waste container.

10 Finally wash your hands properly.

For handle these incidents , most effectively , efficiently as well as safely you can use , Pre made laboratory spill manage  kits , One kit include all necessary items to manage these incidents …  Such as gloves , absorbent pads , absorbent pillows ,  goggles , disposable bags ,  disinfectant & many more …

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