- The very first thing is the incubation time of your plate? – because you must keep recommended time for incubation before taking reading.
- Then note down the incubation Temperature. It is better if you can take the reading from the digital screen, which displays the temperature of the incubator as well as the temperature of the thermometer which has kept inside the incubator.
- Next check whether other incubatory conditions such as atmospheric conditions are fulfilled based on the requirements.
These incubation time, temperature and other incubatory conditions may vary depend on the antibiotic, microorganism and the method that you used.
- Next one is the presence of contaminants in plates. ABST plates should be free from any contamination. Otherwise you cannot interpret your results.
- Look for the lawn of the growth before take the readings from your plates. If we take example, the CLSI disk diffusion requires confluent growth, while Stokes comparison method requires semi-confluent growth.
If all above requirements are fulfilled, you can take the readings from your ABST plates. But keep in mind, that the zone of inhibition for each antibiotic should not be overlapped.
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